Monday 10 May 2010

i will not dignify that question with an answer

Affairs in the office are more common than what employers want to admit. When people start having sex in the office, they break all rules - high on sex and secrecy. Taking huge risks, both parties usually can't think straight, high on emotions and lust that reality is a distant memory. What I'm about to say might be an unfair statement but most of the times, when things go bad, the women usually get the short straw. This statement is confirmed from an acquaintance, a head-hunter in the city who said that if a woman fails to provide a convincing explanation for leaving her job, it always turns up that the affair with her boss went wrong. Also, the more junior the women, the more likely she'll come out as a loser.

Useful rules while having an affair; delete all texts/emails at once, set up special email address, use hotels close to the office but not the one your bosses will be having business lunch, no snogging in lifts (hidden camera), don't stand too close, don't stand too far, in fact better still, don't get caught.

The top 10 reasons why men have affairs include:

1. More sex (sometimes due to lack of sex in their relationship)
2. Sexual variety through different partners or different sexual experiences
3. Too boost their ego to feel special or still attractive to the opposite sex

4. For the thrill of the chase

5. Opportunistic sex (if the opportunity occurs, they can’t pass it up)

6. To sabotage their current relationship

7. Revenge (to get back at their partner for one reason or another)

8. A feeling of entitlement (the belief they are entitled because they work hard or are the bread winner)

9. Sexual addiction

10.To escape

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