The Public accounting group Fiteco was willing to get its head office and its local branch together in only one area, situated in the suburb of Laval. The Architecture office Colboc Franzen & Associés decided to go further and to design a single building, so the construction would cost less, the environmental impact of the building would be reduced and the internal organization would be optimized. On the first floor are situated all the common facilities. The local branch settled down on the second floor and the head office on the third and last floor. The heart of the building is composed of an atrium and two cores of services (ie: staircase, elevators, restrooms, photocopy room). Interior is kept in white and floors in light grey. Every little detail follows this implacable rhythm (whole building follows a grid unit of 600mm). Only the mirror polished stainless steel sheets and the reflection glass of the outer shell break with the strictness of the interior that reflects in itself the rigor of the company. The folded envelope offers, all year long, the reflection of the surrounding nature and the changing light of the seasons.
Alcoholic Architect : All the photographs herein, unless otherwise noted, are copyrighted by the photographer/s. No part of this site, or any of the content contained herein, may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without express permission of the copyright holder(s). The opinions expressed here are mine and selected contributors and ours alone and should not be considered representative of the opinions of our previous, current & future employers or our other fellow professional hommies. Any professional opinions, layouts, theories, concepts, details & designs are seen through my sober-ish eyes therefore should be taken in conjunction with other professional reviewer/s. At certain instances names and identifying details have been changed to protect the innocent and of course the guilty as well.
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